May 26, 2024



Websockets vs Webhooks: Understanding the Difference?

Websockets and webhooks are two technologies that are commonly used in web development, but they serve very different purposes. Despite their similarity in name, they are often confused with one another by developers, especially those who are new to these concepts. In this post, we'll dive into the key differences between websockets and webhooks, and explore the reasons behind this common misconception.

What are Websockets?

Websockets are a computer communications protocol that provides a full-duplex communication channel over a single TCP connection. In simpler terms, websockets allow for real-time, bidirectional communication between a client (usually a web browser) and a server.

With websockets, the client and server can exchange data in real-time, without the need for the client to constantly poll the server for updates. This makes websockets particularly useful for applications that require real-time updates, such as chat applications, online gaming, collaborative editing tools, and stock tickers.

As discussed in our previous article, "What are WebSockets? Why is it hard to host?", while websockets offer powerful real-time capabilities, deploying and managing your own websocket infrastructure can be complex and challenging, especially for small teams or projects with varying real-time requirements. This is where managed websocket solutions like SocketBee come into play, providing a reliable, scalable, and fully managed websocket infrastructure.

How Websockets Work:

  1. The client initiates a websocket connection with the server by sending an HTTP request with an upgrade header.
  2. If the server supports websockets, it responds with an acknowledgment, establishing the websocket connection.
  3. Once the connection is established, both the client and server can send data to each other at any time, without the need for additional HTTP requests or responses.
  4. The websocket connection remains open until either the client or server terminates it.

What are Webhooks?

Webhooks, on the other hand, are a way for one application to send real-time data to another application over the internet. Unlike websockets, webhooks follow a server-to-server communication model, where one server (the sender) sends data to another server (the receiver) via an HTTP POST request.

Webhooks are commonly used in scenarios where an application needs to be notified when a specific event occurs in another application. For example, webhooks can be used to receive real-time updates from payment gateways, monitor changes in a version control system, or trigger automated workflows based on events in a project management tool.

How Webhooks Work:

  1. The receiving application (the webhook consumer) exposes a URL (the webhook endpoint) where it can receive incoming HTTP POST requests.
  2. The sending application (the webhook producer) is configured with the webhook endpoint URL.
  3. When a specific event occurs in the sending application, it sends an HTTP POST request to the webhook endpoint, containing the relevant data payload.
  4. The receiving application receives the HTTP POST request and processes the data payload accordingly.

Why are Websockets and Webhooks often confused? It's understandable that websockets and webhooks are often confused, especially for those new to these concepts. While both technologies deal with real-time communication, they have distinct purposes and communication models. Let's explore some reasons behind this common mix-up:

  1. Similar Naming: The names "websockets" and "webhooks" have a similar ring to them, which can lead to confusion right off the bat. The similarity in naming can make it easy to accidentally interchange the two terms.
  2. Real-Time Communication: Both websockets and webhooks facilitate real-time communication, albeit in different contexts. Websockets enable real-time, bidirectional communication between a client and a server, while webhooks enable real-time communication between two servers.
  3. Event-Driven Architecture: These technologies are frequently used in event-driven architectures, where data is exchanged based on specific events or triggers. This shared use case can contribute to the confusion.
  4. Overlapping Goals: In some scenarios, websockets and webhooks can potentially achieve similar goals, such as real-time data updates or event-driven workflows. However, the underlying mechanisms and communication models are fundamentally different.

To avoid confusion, it's important to understand the distinct purposes, communication models, and use cases of websockets and webhooks.


Websockets are primarily used for real-time, bidirectional communication between a client (typically a web browser) and a server. It establishes a persistent connection, allowing both parties to send and receive data as needed, without the need for constant polling or separate HTTP requests.

Webhooks, on the other hand, facilitate server-to-server communication and event-driven data exchange. One server (the sender) sends data to another server (the receiver) via an HTTP POST request when a specific event occurs, such as a payment being processed or a code change being committed.

While both technologies deal with real-time communication, they serve different purposes and operate under different communication models. Understanding these key differences will help developers make informed decisions about which technology to use based on their specific requirements and architectural considerations.