May 12, 2024



What are WebSockets? Why is it hard to host?

In today's fast-paced digital world, real-time communication is no longer a luxury; it's a necessity. Web sockets enable a wide range of real-time applications and features, such as instant messaging, live updates, online multiplayer games, collaborative editing tools, real-time dashboards, and more.

From instant messaging and live updates to online multiplayer games and collaborative tools, real-time functionality has become an integral part of modern web and mobile applications.

What are Web Sockets, and How Do They Work?

Web sockets are a communication protocol that allows for a persistent, real-time connection between a client (such as a web browser or mobile app) and a server. Unlike traditional HTTP requests, which are stateless and require a new connection for each request, web sockets establish a single, long-lived connection that remains open, facilitating efficient, low-latency data transfer in both directions.

Here's a simplified overview of how web sockets work:

  1. Handshake: The client initiates a web socket connection by sending a special HTTP request to the server, indicating its intention to establish a web socket connection.
  2. Connection Upgrade: If the server supports web sockets, it responds with a specific handshake response, upgrading the initial HTTP connection to a web socket connection.
  3. Bidirectional Communication: Once the connection is established, both the client and server can send data back and forth seamlessly, without the need for additional HTTP requests or responses.
  4. Event-driven Architecture: Web sockets follow an event-driven model, where the client and server can listen for and respond to various events, such as incoming messages, connection open/close events, or errors. This bidirectional, low-latency communication makes web sockets ideal for real-time applications like chat systems, live notifications, online gaming, collaborative editors, and real-time dashboards.

The Challenges of Deploying Your Own Web Socket Server

While web sockets offer powerful real-time capabilities, deploying and managing your own web socket server can be a complex and challenging task, especially for resource-constrained teams or projects with varying real-time requirements. Here are some of the key challenges:

  1. Connection Management: Handling a large number of persistent connections efficiently requires careful management of resources and connection lifecycle events.
  2. Scalability: As the number of concurrent connections grows, scaling the web socket server horizontally (across multiple nodes) becomes crucial to maintain performance and avoid bottlenecks.
  3. Load Balancing: Distributing incoming connections across multiple server instances while maintaining session consistency can be a complex undertaking.
  4. Fault Tolerance: Ensuring reliable message delivery and graceful handling of failures, such as server crashes or network disruptions, is essential for a robust real-time system.
  5. Security: Implementing proper authentication, authorization, and encryption mechanisms to protect against potential security threats is a critical consideration.

For small projects or teams with limited resources, tackling these challenges can be a significant burden, diverting valuable time and effort away from developing the core application functionality.

Why did we build SocketBee?

SocketBee was born out of the frustration we often faced when working on projects that required real-time capabilities. Building and deploying web socket servers from scratch can be a daunting task, involving complexities in connection management, scalability, load balancing, and ensuring reliable message delivery. With each new project requiring real-time features, we found ourselves reinventing the wheel, diverting valuable time and resources away from core application development. SocketBee aims to alleviate this pain point by providing a simple, hosted, and fully managed web socket solution, allowing us to focus on building our real-time applications without the overhead of managing the underlying web socket infrastructure.

Here's how SocketBee can help you too:

  1. Ready-to-use Infrastructure: SocketBee provides a reliable and scalable web socket infrastructure, built on top of the battle-tested Socket.IO library, allowing you to quickly integrate real-time functionality into your applications.
  2. Automatic Scaling: SocketBee automatically scales to handle increasing loads, ensuring seamless performance as your real-time application grows in popularity.
  3. Load Balancing and Fault Tolerance: SocketBee's infrastructure is designed for high availability, with built-in load balancing and fault tolerance mechanisms to ensure reliable message delivery and minimize downtime.
  4. Security: SocketBee takes care of implementing industry-standard security practices, such as authentication, authorization, and encryption, giving you peace of mind when it comes to protecting your real-time applications.
  5. Easy Integration: SocketBee provides client libraries for popular programming languages like Python and JavaScript, making it easy to integrate real-time functionality into your applications, regardless of your tech stack.
  6. Cost-effective Solution: By using SocketBee, you can avoid the upfront costs and ongoing maintenance efforts associated with building and managing your own web socket infrastructure, making it a cost-effective solution for both small and large projects.

For small projects or teams with limited resources, SocketBee offers a fast and efficient way to incorporate real-time functionality into your applications without the overhead of managing the underlying web socket infrastructure.

On the other hand, for larger projects with substantial real-time requirements, SocketBee provides a scalable and reliable solution that can handle high throughput and a large number of concurrent connections. By offloading the complexities of web socket infrastructure management to SocketBee, your team can focus on building robust and feature-rich real-time applications, confident in the knowledge that the underlying web socket infrastructure is in capable hands.


Web sockets have simplified the way we build real-time applications, enabling bidirectional, low-latency communication between clients and servers. However, deploying and managing your own web socket server can be a daunting task, fraught with challenges related to scalability, fault tolerance, and security.

SocketBee offers a compelling solution by providing a hosted and fully managed web socket infrastructure, built on top of the battle-tested Socket.IO library. With SocketBee, you can quickly integrate real-time functionality into your applications, leveraging their ready-to-use infrastructure, automatic scaling, load balancing, and robust security measures.

Whether you're working on a small project with limited resources or a large-scale real-time application with substantial throughput requirements, SocketBee could be the perfect partner to help you navigate the complexities of web socket infrastructure management, allowing you to focus on delivering exceptional real-time experiences to your users.